Software Architect
DevOps & Docker enthousiast !
Docker creates isolated environnements (called containers) to isolate applications.
Docker stands on Linux kernel, Linux namespaces (isolated environments) and on Linux cgroups (resource management memory/cpu/disk)
It's all about isolation
As close as possible to a standard Linux installation...
but runs on the Host's Kernel
user@host:~$ docker images
tomcat 9-jre8 345a325b9d4f 2 weeks ago 334.9 MB
openjdk 8-jre b13ebf1a4999 3 weeks ago 311.2 MB
buildpack-deps jessie-curl 187e81a2e1ae 3 weeks ago 167.3 MB
debian jessie 73e72bf822ca 3 weeks ago 123 MB
Dockerfile : File describing the construction steps of an image
FROM debian:jessie
RUN echo 'deb jessie-backports main' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jessie-backports.list
ENV JAVA_DEBIAN_VERSION 8u111-b14-2~bpo8+1
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jre-headless="$JAVA_DEBIAN_VERSION"
ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre
user@host:~$ docker build --tag myJRE:1.0 .
user@host:~$ docker images
tomcat 9-jre8 345a325b9d4f 2 weeks ago 334.9 MB
openjdk 8-jre b13ebf1a4999 3 weeks ago 311.2 MB
buildpack-deps jessie-curl 187e81a2e1ae 3 weeks ago 167.3 MB
debian jessie 73e72bf822ca 3 weeks ago 123 MB
user@host:~$ docker rmi tomcat:9-jre8
Untagged: tomcat:9-jre8
Deleted: sha256:345a325b9d4ff4e3ceb5239f706c32f6058111bf101bfab4ea2386aaa9a58afa
Deleted: sha256:edd8f93b163a01e11c701c65cf24373ef0326a40692cf848e963b3c9b56e9619
Deleted: sha256:ad145ed46bd12e51afacbc9313fbf51ea9af1b451434f3761c993c14440aacff
Deleted: sha256:6976e3f3625b4467efa53b04a24fb1a97741b4125291f115ebc79d7a545650d7
Deleted: sha256:66db73f2947c39132e728c6f263ddeef0b9bc3262b4022560eb82bcb1a1f55fb
Deleted: sha256:78780b79263b4913e74e1855dd55f8f2e65ff848fb7582c3c76af88789e55f3a
Deleted: sha256:bd20af890581a5af2c1ab5b4d9ab095833142878600edd91fea639e641129cd9
user@host:~$ $ docker run --tty --interactive debian:jessie
Creates a container, attaches an interactive shell
user@host:~$ $ docker run debian:jessie echo Docker is fun
Creates a container, runs the command echo Docker is fun and exits
user@host:~$ $ docker run --rm debian:jessie echo Docker is fun
Creates a container, runs the command echo Docker is fun and deletes the container
user@host:~$ $ docker create -p 5432:5432 --name myPostgresInstance postgres
Creates a container, maps host port 5432 to container port 5432 and names the container
user@host:~$ $ docker start myPostgresInstance
Starts the container
user@host:~$ $ docker start myPostgresInstance
user@host:~$ $ docker create -p 5432:5432 --name myPostgresInstance postgres
user@host:~$ $ docker start myPostgresInstance
user@host:~$ $ docker create \
-p 5432:5432 \
-v /data/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql \
--name myPostgresInstance postgres
Creates a container, maps host port 5432 to container port 5432 and names the container
The container directory /var/lib/postgresql is mapped to the host directory /data/postgres
Stuff to do on the playground